Runaways on the Street Newsletter - October 31 2009
“Nearly a third of the children who flee or are kicked out of their homes each year engage in sex for food, drugs or a place to stay, according to a variety of studies published in academic and public health journals. But this kind of dangerous barter system can quickly escalate into more formalized prostitution, when money changes hands. And then, child welfare workers and police officials say, it becomes extremely difficult to help runaways escape the streets. Many become more entangled in abusive relationships, and the law begins to view them more as teenage criminals than under-age victims.” IAN URBINA.
For Runaways on the Street, Sex Buys Survival By IAN URBINA. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 26, 2009
The many faces of domestic violence By Amy Wooten. Copyright by The Chicago Free Press. October 29, 2009. “When people think of domestic violence, a lot of people think of a woman with a black eye,” said Lisa Gilmore, a Center on Halsted training coordinator and Anti-Violence Project therapist. As pervasive as that stereotype is, however, there are many more faces to domestic violence. It’s just as severe a problem in the GLBT community as it is with straights. It happens with the same frequency, too, and not just in long-term relationships. Domestic violence can occur during a casual encounter that was initially arranged online, for example, or before a hookup takes place.
Chirac Ordered to Face Trial in France By ALAN COWELL. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 30, 2009
E.U. Reaches Funding Deal on Climate Change By JAMES KANTER and STEPHEN CASTLE. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 30, 2009
Bullish industry lifts eurozone confidence By Stanley Pignal in Brussels. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. Published: October 29 2009 12:01 | Last updated: October 29 2009 14:33.
I.M.F. Raises Growth Forecasts for Asia By BETTINA WASSENER. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 29, 2009. HONG KONG — The International Monetary Fund raised its outlook Thursday for growth in Asia for this year and next, reflecting the region’s rapid rebound from the depths of the global downturn in recent months.
Asia Markets Rise After Reports of Korean Growth. Copyright By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Published: October 26, 2009
Export revival lifts Japanese manufacturers By Michiyo Nakamoto in Tokyo and Justine Lau in Hong Kong. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. Published: October 29 2009 04:05 | Last updated: October 29 2009 04:05.
Deal Reached in Honduras to Restore Ousted President By ELISABETH MALKIN. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 30, 2009
In China, too, a health-care system in disarray By Steven Mufson. Copyright by The Washington Post. Thursday, October 29, 2009.
US seeks China climate ‘understanding’ - Push targeted for Obama’s pre-summit Beijing visit By Bill Savadove in Shanghai. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009.Published: October 28 2009 10:01 | Last updated: October 28 2009 10:01.
Chinese comments further erode dollar - US currency at 14-month low against euro By Peter Garnham. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. Published: October 26 2009 10:51 | Last updated: October 26 2009 17:23.
Iran Rejects Deal to Ship Out Uranium, Officials Report By DAVID E. SANGER, STEVEN ERLANGER and ROBERT F. WORTH. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 29, 2009
Financial Times Editorial Comment: Iran’s last chance. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. Published: October 30 2009 19:22 | Last updated: October 30 2009 19:22. Rarely, in the 30 years of name-calling and visceral animosity between the US and Iran triggered by the 1979 Islamic Revolution, has the prospect of detente between them been so tantalisingly within reach. But Tehran is recklessly close to frittering away this opening. That would be a disaster.
Car Bomb Kills Scores in Pakistan By ISMAIL KHAN. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 28, 2009
U.S. Speeds Aid to Pakistan to Fight Taliban By ERIC SCHMITT. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 28, 2009. WASHINGTON — Even as the Pakistani government plays down the American role in its military operations in Taliban-controlled areas along the border with Afghanistan, the United States has quietly rushed hundreds of millions of dollars in arms, equipment and sophisticated sensors to Pakistani forces in recent months, said senior American and Pakistani officials.
New York Times Editorial: The Commander’s Duty Done. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 29, 2009. In his midnight mission to honor the returning war dead, President Obama did more than personally extend the nation’s condolences to grieving families gathered at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. Without uttering a public word, Mr. Obama erased President George W. Bush’s shameful attempts to hide the pain of war from Americans and to shield himself from paying public tribute to the thousands who died in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Militants Attack U.N. Guest House in Kabul, Killing Nine By SABRINA TAVERNISE and ALISSA J. RUBIN. Copyright by The Associated Press. Published: October 28, 2009
When the tough should really get going By Garrison Keillor. Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune. October 28, 2009. The former Marine officer Matthew Hoh, who resigned his Foreign Service post in Afghanistan because he feels the war is pointless and not worth dying for, deserves all the attention he's gotten and more. The Obama administration faces hard decisions there, and the man made a good case against deeper American involvement. He says that our presence among the Pashtun people, the rural, religious people, is only aggravating a civil war between them and the urban, secular (and, it seems, fraudulent) government of Kabul, and the role of the Taliban and al-Qaida is not central -- the real issues are tribal and cultural.,0,6642483.column
14 Americans Die in Afghan Helicopter Crashes By DEXTER FILKINS. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 26, 2009
Brother of Afghan Leader Is Said to Be on C.I.A. Payroll By DEXTER FILKINS, MARK MAZZETTI and JAMES RISEN. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 27, 2009
German Limits on Afghan War Are Facing Reality By NICHOLAS KULISH. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 26, 2009
Eff'dghanistan - John Kerry & Dick Cheney
Iraq Reaches Voting Deal as Toll Rises in Bombings By ROD NORDLAND. Copyright by The Associated Press. Published: October 26, 2009. BAGHDAD — Iraqi officials reached a tentative agreement on a new election law on Monday, even as workers continued to recover more bodies from the wreckage of Sunday’s bomb attacks, including an uncertain number of children from two day care centers.
Legislators in Iraq Block a Deal on Election Law By JOHN LELAND. Copyright by The Associated Press. Published: October 27, 2009
Financial Times Editorial Comment: Iraq’s leaders have created a vacuum. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. Published: October 26 2009 20:18 | Last updated: October 26 2009 20:18.
Scores killed, at least 500 wounded in bomb attacks in Baghdad By Anthony Shadid. Copyright by The Washington Post. Sunday, October 25, 2009; 9:16 AM
Iraq Makes Sweeping Arrests Over Baghdad Blasts By JOHN LELAND. Copyright by The Associated Press. Published: October 29, 2009. BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraqi officials said on Thursday they had arrested 61 army and police officers in connection with the bombings in central Baghdad on Sunday that killed 155 people and wounded hundreds more.
Victory for Obama Over Military Lobby By CHRISTOPHER DREW. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 28, 2009. When the Obama administration proposed canceling a host of expensive weapons systems last spring, some of the military industry’s allies in Congress assumed, as they had in the past, that they would have the final say. But as the president signed a $680 billion military policy bill on Wednesday, it was clear that he had succeeded in paring back nearly all of the programs and setting a tone of greater restraint than the Pentagon had seen in many years.
Dozens in Congress under ethics inquiry By Ellen Nakashima and Paul Kane. Copyright by The Washington Post. Friday, October 30, 2009. House ethics investigators have been scrutinizing the activities of more than 30 lawmakers and several aides in inquiries about issues including defense lobbying and corporate influence peddling, according to a confidential House ethics committee report prepared in July.
Danish terror plot: 2 Chicago friends accused of scheming to attack Danish newspaper over cartoons about Muhammad - Federal authorities say operation linked to al-Qaida By Hal Dardick, Jeff Coen and Stacy St. Clair. Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune. October 28, 2009,0,7626261.story
Health Care
Fighting H.I.V., a Community at a Time By SUSAN OKIE. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 26, 2009. WASHINGTON — Federal health officials are preparing a plan to study a bold new strategy to stop the spread of the AIDS virus: routinely testing virtually every adult in a community, and promptly treating those found to be infected.
If it's on the shelves, it's off the streets By Peter Moskos. Copyright by The Washington Post. Sunday, October 25, 2009. This idea -- that drugs are both enjoyable and dangerous and thus better regulated than prohibited by government and sold by criminals -- seems common-sense enough, even in America. Until now, the main opposition to a state's right to legalize marijuana has been the federal government. But last week, in a major policy shift, the U.S. Justice Department instructed federal prosecutors not to focus on "individuals whose actions are in clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws providing for the medical use of marijuana."
Groundbreaking Birth Control Bill Has Powerful Enemies in Philippines By CARLOS H. CONDE. Published: October 25, 2009.
Health Care Reform
New York Times Editorial: The House Health Reform Bill. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 29, 2009. The Senate should pay attention to the health care reform bill unveiled on Thursday by House Democratic leaders. The bill would greatly expand coverage of the uninsured while reducing budget deficits over the next decade and probably beyond. It includes a public option that is weaker than we would like, but it still deserves to be approved by the House.
Pelosi Unveils House Health Care Bill By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN. Copyright by The New York Times. October 29, 2009, 10:50 AM
Pelosi Backs Off Set Rates for Public Option By ROBERT PEAR. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 28, 2009. WASHINGTON — Under pressure from moderate-to-conservative members of the House Democratic caucus, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has decided to propose a government-run insurance plan that would negotiate rates with doctors and hospitals, rather than using prices set by the government, aides said Wednesday.
The Defining Moment By PAUL KRUGMAN. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 29, 2009. O.K., folks, this is it. It’s the defining moment for health care reform. Past efforts to give Americans what citizens of every other advanced nation already have — guaranteed access to essential care — have ended not with a bang, but with a whimper, usually dying in committee without ever making it to a vote.
AARP: Reform advocate and insurance salesman - Seniors group makes millions from royalties on health plans By Dan Eggen. Copyright by The Washington Post. Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Small Business Faces Sharp Rise in Costs of Health Care By REED ABELSON. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 24, 2009. As Congress nears votes on legislation that would overhaul the health care system, many small businesses say they are facing the steepest rise in insurance premiums they have seen in recent years.
Public Option Annie
Rachel Maddow: "Billionaires For Wealthcare" At Washington Protest
GOP Bashing
Washington Post Editorial: The U.S. Chamber vs. honesty - At war with the truth, and with its own constituents. Copyright by The Washington Post. Tuesday, October 27, 2009. THE U.S. CHAMBER of Commerce has been airing expensive TV ads in Northern Virginia lately involving the race for governor. The ad's first words are "Traffic's worse." Its last words are "The U.S. Chamber of Commerce paid for this ad." Most of the intervening words -- about 70, by our count -- are blatant distortions.
South Carolina Republican Caught With 18 Yr. Old Stripper, Sex Toys and Viagra In Cemetery By Heather. Copyright by Crooks and Liars. Friday Oct 30, 2009 12:00pm
CNN Poll: 7 in 10 say Palin not qualified to be president by Paul Steinhauser. Copyright by CNN News. Posted: October 28th, 2009 01:31 PM ET
For Fox Sake!
Republicans in Congress - Great Add for the Iphone!!! Editorial Note: I’m getting this app for my IPhone
George W. Bush Hits the Lecture Circuit
U.S. May Be Open to Asylum for Spouse Abuse By JULIA PRESTON. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 29, 2009. In an unusually protracted and closely watched case, the Obama administration has recommended political asylum for a Guatemalan woman fleeing horrific abuse by her husband, the strongest signal yet that the administration is open to a variety of asylum claims from foreign women facing domestic abuse.
Ticketing non-English speakers: Citations in Dallas raise objections, investigation By Kate Linthicum. Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune. October 28, 2009. Over the past three years, police in Dallas have ticketed 39 drivers for not speaking English even though there is no law requiring drivers be able to do so.,0,2474338.story
Campaign finance reform: Best we could get? BY CAROL MARIN. Copyright by The Chicago Sun-Times. October 31, 2009. Dawn Clark Netsch, the venerable voice of Illinois political reform, called early Friday morning even though it was going to make her late for a dentist's appointment. She was concerned I was going to get it wrong. That I was going to blast the Legislature for once again passing a watered-down, weak-kneed bill on campaign finance reform that they would hail as progress.,CST-EDT-carol01.article
Chicago Tribune Editorial: Don't call this 'reform'. Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune. October 29, 2009. Reform is a word that rolls off the tongue easily. Ask Gov. Pat Quinn, who spent most of his life demanding it and most of this year promising it. Ask Illinois legislators, who are dying to claim credit for it. Will they deliver it?,0,3956589.story
City enters Block 37 case By Sandra M. Jones. Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune. October 31, 2009,0,7482699.story
Sun-Times sale to Tyree group complete BY DAVID ROEDER Copyright by The Chicago Sun-Times. October 26, 2009,sun-times-sale-tyree-closing-media-group-102609.article
A new era begins for Chicago Cubs - With the Ricketts family in control, expectation are high By Paul Sullivan. Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune. 10:20 a.m. CDT, October 30, 2009,0,1791650.story
Waning stimulus hits consumer spending By Alan Rappeport in New York. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. Published: October 30 2009 13:14 | Last updated: October 30 2009 14:37. US consumer spending stalled in September after climbing in each of the prior four months, dampening spirits, as the effects of government stimulus programmes started to wane.
U.S. Economy Started to Grow Again in the Third Quarter By CATHERINE RAMPELL. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 29, 2009/ US economy grows by 3.5% - First expansion in a year signals end to recession By Alan Rappeport in New York. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. Published: October 29 2009 12:57 | Last updated: October 29 2009 12:57
White House: 650,000 jobs saved, created by stimulus By Alec MacGillis. Copyright by The Washington Post. Friday, October 30, 2009; 11:07 AM
Schools Are Where Stimulus Saved Jobs, New Data Show By MICHAEL COOPER and RON NIXON. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 30, 2009
‘Too big to fail’ is too dumb an idea to keep - The primary purpose of regulation is to protect the public, not promote the interests of the financial services industry By John Kay. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. Published: October 27 2009 21:36 | Last updated: October 27 2009 21:36.
Bank protesters descend on downtown Chicago By Daarel Burnette II. Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune. October 27, 2009 7:24 PM
BBVA shores up bad loan provisions By Mark Mulligan in Madrid. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. Published: October 27 2009 09:10 | Last updated: October 27 2009 11:33. BBVA on Tuesday announced a 3.3 per cent year-on-year decline in net profits for the nine months to the end of September, as Spain’s second-largest bank used one-off gains to bolster provisions against rising bad debts.
FDIC seizes 9 banks operated by FBOP- U.S. Bancorp purchases assets of Park National, others, which will open as usual Saturday By Becky Yerak. Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune. October 31, 2009,0,4621065.story
IBM plans to boost buy-backs by $5bn - Move signals re-acceleration of share repurchases By Richard Waters in San Francisco. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. Published: October 27 2009 19:23 | Last updated: October 27 2009 19:23.
Ex-A.I.G. Chief Is Back, Luring Talent From Rescued Firm By MARY WILLIAMS WALSH. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 26, 2009
Double-digit property tax increases in city, Cook County suburbs By Bob Secter. Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune. 6:17 a.m. CDT, October 27, 2009,0,3685132.story
Whose property taxes went up most in Chicago? Property tax bills coming out this week jump as '7%' cap is gradually lifted BY ABDON M. PALLASCH Copyright by The Chicago Sun-Times. October 27, 2009,CST-NWS-tax27.article
City property tax: Blame game kicks off as bills leap - Daley lashes out at assessor, whose aide faults General Assembly By Bob Secter and Hal Dardick. Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune. October 28, 2009,0,2872323.story
US home prices rise again in August, cementing the beginnings of a housing turnaround J.W. ELPHINSTONE. Copyright 2009 Associated Press. 8:29 a.m. CDT, October 27, 2009,0,6323828.story
Exxon’s Earnings Reflect Decline in Energy Prices By JAD MOUAWAD. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 29, 2009. Exxon Mobil, the world’s biggest publicly traded oil company, said Thursday that its profit fell 68 percent in the third quarter as oil and natural gas prices slumped from last year’s highs.
Chevron’s production grows as profits fall - Oil company hit by falling commodity prices By Sheila McNulty in Houston. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. Published: October 30 2009 13:35 | Last updated: October 30 2009 16:38
Washington Post Editorial: A civil rights advance - A federal law targets violence based on sexual orientation. Copyright by The Washington Post. Wednesday, October 28, 2009. PRESIDENT OBAMA is scheduled to sign Wednesday what is being described as the nation's first significant pro-gay rights legislation. Attached to the defense authorization act, the measure would add sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and disability to the list of protected classes under the 1969 federal hate-crimes law.
After 10-year dispute, expansion of hate crimes law to gays signed - Move may help Obama quell rising discontent from rights groups By Perry Bacon Jr. Copyright by The Washington Post Thursday, October 29, 2009.
Help gays who aren't hurt By Andrew Kessinger. Copyright by The Washington Post. Thursday, October 29, 2009. When President Obama signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act into law Wednesday, human rights advocates across the country won a decent, but insufficient, victory.
Focus of Gay-Marriage Fight Is Maine By ABBY GOODNOUGH. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 27, 2009. Less than a week before Maine voters decide whether to repeal the state’s new same-sex marriage law, donations and volunteers are pouring in to sway what both sides call a nationally significant fight.
In Battle Over Gay Marriage, Timing May Be Key By ADAM LIPTAK. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 26, 2009. In a San Francisco courtroom two weeks ago, a prominent lawyer opposed to same-sex marriage made a concession that could mark a turning point in the legal wars over the purpose and meaning of marriage. The lawyer, Charles J. Cooper, has studied the matter deeply, and his erudite briefs are steeped in history. He cannot have been blindsided by the question Judge Vaughn R. Walker asked him: What would be the harm of permitting gay men and lesbians to marry?
Obama Lifts a Ban on Entry Into U.S. by H.I.V.-Positive People By JULIA PRESTON. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 30, 2009. President Obama on Friday announced the end of a 22-year ban on travel to the United States by people who had tested positive for the virus that causes AIDS, fulfilling a promise he made to gay advocates and acting to eliminate a restriction he said was “rooted in fear rather than fact.”
Tight Race for Houston Mayor, With History on Line By JAMES C. McKINLEY Jr. Copyright by The Associated Press. Published: October 29, 2009. HOUSTON — Annise Parker does not talk much about her sexual orientation on the campaign trail. She prefers to focus on issues like drainage and balancing the budget.
Reel advice: movie reviews and DVDiva By Gregg Shapiro. Copyright by The Chicago Free Press. October 29, 2009. Reeling 2009, the 28th Chicago Lesbian and Gay International Film Festival begins Nov. 5 at 7:30 p.m. with a screening of “The Big Gay Musical” at the Music Box Theatre, 3733 N. Southport (see review below). Reeling runs through Nov. 15 at a variety of participating theaters. For a complete schedule, visit Many more reviews are scheduled to run in next week’s issue of Chicago Free Press.
GLN protests LaBarbera dinner in ‘burbs By Matt Simonette. Copyright by The Chicago Free Press. October 29, 2009
ESTATE PLANNING TO PROTECT YOUR PETS by Roger McCaffrey-Boss. Copyright by Gay Chicago Magazine and Roger McCaffrey-Boss. October 27, 2009
New Google Maps GPS for smartphones spooks competitors By Rob Pegoraro. Copyright by The Washington Post. Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sprint Slows Defections, but Loses $478 Million By JENNA WORTHAM. Copyright by Reuters. Published: October 29, 2009. Sprint Nextel reported Thursday that fewer customers are fleeing its cellphone service, providing some evidence that the company’s turnaround efforts were having an impact.
Motorola Has Profit Surprise and Forecasts More to Come. Copyright By REUTERS. Published: October 29, 2009. Motorola has forecast a higher-than-expected profit for the current quarter as it begins to sell two phones based on the Android software by Google in a bid to regain ground lost to the iPhone by Apple.
From Here to Neutrality
Church of Scientology Convicted of Fraud in France. Copyright By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Published: October 27, 2009. PARIS (AP) -- A Paris court convicted the Church of Scientology of fraud and fined it more than euro600,000 ($900,000) on Tuesday but stopped short of banning the group as prosecutors had demanded.
Rock of Ages, Cleft by the Pope By A. N. WILSON. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: October 24, 2009. THE images and clichés came spluttering out of the laptops of church people and religious affairs correspondents on Tuesday: The pope has parked his tanks on the Church of England’s lawn; Rome has made a hostile takeover bid for Canterbury. It is understandable if people are at a loss for words, since the move has been made so decisively and so without warning. Even the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, knew nothing of the plan until a few days ago.
Ecce No Homo
Barcelona’s Hidden Courtyards By VICTORIA BURNETT. Copyright by The New York Times. Published: November 1, 2009... Hidden from view, however, behind the Eixample’s grand facades, is a little-advertised patchwork of public gardens and courtyards that offers refuge from the urban rush and an intimate view of everyday Barcelona life....
Fall back - Don't forget to turn back your clocks tonight. Daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday.
Whole Foods Boycott
Everybody Must Get Scanned
Tim Minchin - If You Open Your Mind Too Much...
Waking Up Is Hard To Do
It has come to my attention that you can only read 2 articles per month at the Financial Times if you haven't registered. If you would like to read more of the articles for free, simply sign up for the free account and you can read 10 articles per month. That should be enough. I'll try to keep the FT links to a minimum. - I used a link that will open the Financial Times articles this week. CTM
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In Pride (orgullo),
Carlos T. Mock, MD
Author: Borrowing Time: A Latino Sexual Odyssey - Floricanto Press 2003.
Nominated for a Stonewall Award by the American Library Association GLBT
Round Table.
Author: The Mosaic Virus – Floricanto Press 2007. Nominated for a Stonewall Award by the American Library Association GLBT Round Table, and a Lammie from The Lambda Literary Foundation
Author: Author: Papi Chulo – Floricanto Press 2007. Nominated for a Stonewall Award by the American Library Association GLBT Round Table, and a Lammie from The Lambda Literary Foundation
Author: Cuba Libre, “Mentirita” To be released late September 2009 by Floricanto Press
Saturday, October 31, 2009
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